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25th November 2012: Still Bottom Of The League

Have continued to play League Of Legends. Quite a lot of it in fact. Many evenings over the passed couple of weeks me and Scoob have logged in for a game or two. Also, my bro JIK has also started to play so we've been running a few training games with him.
I just wish I could pick one or two champs and really get good with them. Instead, I'm jumping around all over the place. Here are all the champs I've got unlocked: Alistar, Garen, Janna, Kassadin, Master Yi, Morgana, Nunu, Ryze, Sivir, Soraka and Tristana.
I seem to be able to kill a lot more with melee champs than ranged, with the exception of Alistar who I really don't like. But just like in WoW, my main role seems to be support. I just feel a lot more useful running as Soraka or Janna, or even as Morgana or Nunu support.

I've also played as Elise, Kennen, Pantheon, Sejuani, Shyvana and Twitch when they've been free. Would really like to unlock all of them also, except perhaps Sejuani. Really wanted to like her but couldn't really figure her out I guess.

Scoob unleashes the arrow

Scoob unleashes the arrow

Doing what I do best

Doing what I do best

Spider-woman gives you a little look

Spider-woman gives you a little look

For Demacia!

For Demacia!

Scoob gets our group's first penta

Scoob gets our group's first penta

The Scoob has stepped up to playing PvP games quite a lot now. As yet I've only tried the one, where I ran as support Morgana. We were intending for me to support Scoob's Ashe in bottom lane, but our Katarina player wanted to swap with him. We dominated against Nautilus and Kayle, but their Jax player turned up and started smacking us around the place, and unfortunately we ended up quite well beaten in the end.

As for other games, they have struggled to get a look in. A long while back now I did give The Witcher a little try, but only played it for about 30 minutes as I struggled to get into it. It just felt like the game didn't quite know what it was trying to be, with elements of classic RPGs and games like WoW and Diablo. I also hated the feel of how the character moved and attacked. Then again, I only played it for a little while. I didn't like Final Fantasy 7 when I first played that, yet when I gave it another go it became my fave game for many years.
I have also been purchasing more games from GOG while they've been on sale, in the forms of Settlers 2 and Heroes Of Might & Magic 3, and SWTOR has just gone FTP.
On top of that, Planetside 2 has just been released. Gotta get downloading I think...

29th October 2012: Still Training To Be A Legend

Well my gaming has been pretty much trumped the last couple of weeks as I have been trying to learn a bit more about 3D CG artwork. I'm always trying new stuff. Wish I could choose one hobby and stick to it.

When I have been playing, it's been more games of League Of Legends with the Scoob. We're still only playing against bots, but I still feel very much the noob at this and still need more practise. Again, I wish I could choose one champ and learn it right. Instead, I've played games with Ryze, Pantheon, Twitch, Kassadin, Alistar, Janna and Soraka, and I've probably only had about 20 games tops. Our main combo at first was Ryze and Ashe, but just recently we've unlocked new champs, being Soraka (mine) and Rengar (Scoob), and we've been playing as those for the last few games. I've also unlocked Sivir who I've yet to even try, and am eyeing up a whole host of others already, such as Morgana, Janna, Nunu, Garen, Kennen, Ezreal, Miss Fortune, Cho'Gath... the list just goes on and on. Some of those champs are just so cool.

I seem to remember a while back saying I was never gonna play this game. I also seem to remember just 2 weeks back saying I wasn't going to get into it that much. Why do I say these things? I've actually started to study tactics, guides and builds on t'interwebs for my champs, which unfortunately is something you seem to have to do to get anywhere with this game. I've even created a spreadsheet with all the items in the game and their stats so I can get more of an idea of what to buy. Now if only I could remember where they are all located in the shop it would help...

A 4v3 team fight does not go well for our opponents

A 4v3 team fight does not go well for our opponents

Putting the enemy Nexus under pressure

Putting the enemy Nexus under pressure

A small army of super creeps takes out their base

A small army of super creeps takes out their base

14th October 2012: I'll Never Be A Legend

Just yesterday had my first real games of League Of Legends with the Scoob. I'd seen a few games of this on Youtube and let me tell you, those players on there make it look a lot easier than it is. Before these games I had only played the tutorial and one game against bots that my team got slaughtered in. This time I had the Scoob on hand to help out. He uses Ashe and can kick some candy, but I'd still got no unlocked champion so picked Twitch of the free ones to try out. We both hit top lane thinking we'd do well together, but this hampered us as we could not farm the minions that well. However we slowly ground the enemy team down and managed a win.
In the second game I went with Pantheon, thinking a close combat dude would better compliment Scoob's champ. However I found it even harder to kill minions, and his ultimate attack has got such a massive delay on it that the enemies just kept getting out of the way. Couple this with the fact that my second computer crashed, kicking Scoob out of the game for a few minutes until he could re-connect. We were really on the back foot. Scoob was around 4 levels down by the time he got back in and the enemies were overwhelming our meagre defences. We managed to push into their base, and Scoob and I were taking down their Nexus when they took ours. Oh well.
In the tutorials I'd used a champ called Ryze, so I decided to unlock him as my first champ and try and figure out how to use him. We had a third and deciding match up, where I did very little but harass the enemy, while Scoob led our troops to another victory.

Had a good run for a while with Twitch...

Had a good run for a while with Twitch...

...until Annie shut me down

...until Annie shut me down

My first LoL win. Ignore that it was only against bots.

My first LoL win. Ignore that it was only against bots.

Didn't get on well with Pantheon

Didn't get on well with Pantheon

For a simple looking game this thing has got a serious learning curve. It's probably gonna take a lot more time than I'm willing to throw at it to get any good, but it should be alright for a little group-up with me mates every now and then. I'll definitely never get good enough to do PvP against random other people, and really don't fancy facing all that bitching and whining that goes on.

13th October 2012: How To Die Faster Than Light

Just gave Faster Than Light what will probably be my best effort. I dropped it down to easy after first playing it on normal, as I read even easy can be very hard. I also did a slightly dodgy thing and used a save game off the internet to unlock all the ships. For this run I chose the Zoltan ship, using the weird little green glowy men to add extra power to the systems.
Pretty much like my first run, going through the vast majority of this playthrough was very easy. My ion cannons would take out the enemy shields and weapons, then my beam weapon would tear them a new one. I literally breezed through the game, and only when I was boarded did I have any kind of challenge. Inevitably, I made it to the final sector and a run-in with the final boss for the first time.
Before I saw the enemy ship I thought I had a good chance in the upcoming confrontation. I'd upgraded my ion cannons to heavy, picked up a rapid firing laser to give me more grunt, had the maximum 4 levels of shielding, and many of my other systems had lots of power thanks to the Zoltan crew.
However, as soon as I got into combat I knew things would probably not go my way. That enemy ship is a beast. You can't take its weapons out by disabling one system, as it has 4. It can cloak, and attack from cloak (also, when it's cloaked, for some reason your own weapons don't charge. WTF?). Thankfully it didn't use its transporters to board me. But then again it didn't need to, as I was no match for it. I'm also pretty sure I read you have to beat this thing 3 or 4 times to win the game. Wow.
Definitely need some missiles to get right through its shields I reckon.

Pew pew pew

Pew pew pew

Blimey, it's a big bugger

Blimey, it's a big bugger

My space Kung Fu is weak

My space Kung Fu is weak

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