
SDE-S Rules Menu (Beta Test 6.01)

What is SDE-S?

SDE-S is a homebrew ruleset based on Super Dungeon Explore from Soda Pop Miniatures. The purpose of these rules is to make the game play faster, snappier, and with more players. In addition, it alters the rules so that the game is now a fully co-operative experience.

In Super Dungeon Explore, players take on the roles of heroes from the land of Crystalia. They must venture into the deep places of the world to destroy the spawn points, which are portals used by the Dark Consul to send evil minions and monsters into Crystalia from the Dark Realm.

Setting Up The Game

Turn Sequence

Hero Turn

Every turn, all of the heroes get their chance to activate and fight back against the Dark Consul's encroaching minions. While it is easier to activate the heroes in player-clockwise order, this is certainly not necessary. Each turn, the heroes may activate in any order, and the players can discuss and make their decisions based on the situation and tactics they wish to employ.

When a hero is activated, that hero's player may choose actions for their hero to take. Each action has a cost in action points (AP or ), and each hero has a maximum amount of action points that they can use each time they are activated.

Heroes may take actions in any order, and may repeat actions, provided they have the AP, and a special rule doesn't prevent them from doing so.

If, for some reason, any of the heroes want to ramble around the dungeon, they are free to do so, even though monsters will only be spawning from the currently active spawn point. The only limit to this is that no hero may move to within 3 squares of a visible spawn point that has not activated yet. This is because, before becoming active and opening their portals, the spawn points instead emanate powerful defensive screens for protection. When the spawn point becomes active, the three visible squares around it become the spawn point's "support aura". This aura has a different effect depending on the spawn point, but will always either hinder the heroes or assist the monsters.

When a hero has completed their activation, all of the enemies on the board get a chance to react, in the monster react phase.

Monsters React

In each monster react phase, every follower of the Dark Consul gets a chance to react by performing a single action. This includes any bosses that may be active on the board.

The action each monster will use depends upon its behaviour and its current situation.

The order monsters react in is determined by how close they are to a visible hero, with closest going first. If two or more monsters are equally distant from a visible hero, then the players can decide in what order they go in. Or simply select randomly.

Once each monster has had a chance to react, another monster will spawn. Take the next monster in line from the pool and place it on the board. Like the monsters before it, it must be placed as close to and in line of sight of the spawn point, without putting it in danger.

Once a monster has spawned, play switches back to the heroes. If all of the heroes have been activated this turn, play instead switches to the boss monster, if it's on the board.

Boss Special Move

If the boss of the current level is on the board, all of the heroes have activated, and all of the monsters have reacted, then the boss gets to perform one or more special actions.

What it does is detailed in the "special move" area of the boss's stats.

Game Progression & End

The aim of the game for the heroes is to clear all 4 levels of the dungeon. This will not be easy, as each time they enter a new level, the Dark Consul will throw tougher and meaner followers at them through the spawn points.

To gain access to the next level's spawn point, the current level's spawn point and all of its monsters must be destroyed.

This means, in order to win the game, the heroes must destroy all 4 spawn points, and rid the dungeon of all of the monsters that managed to find their way into Crystalia through them.

The other way for the game to end is if the heroes all find themselves incapacitated at the same time. If this happens, the heroes lose, undoubtedly allowing the Dark Consul to go on to launch a much larger invasion through this dungeon's spawn points.

The Next Level

When all of the current level's monsters, and its spawn point, have been destroyed, the next level's spawn point becomes active. Immediately spawn the minions around the spawn point like you did at the start of level 1. Also, set up a treasure chest on that tile, again following rules for the setup.

Heroes get time for a small breather before heading into peril once more. After clearing a level, all heroes, including those that were incapacitated, are fully restored, and can remove all of the wounds and debuffs they were suffering from. In addition, all heroes may freely equip and drop equipment cards before continuing.

Once the heroes have recovered and readied themselves, another game turn will begin from the start.

Types Of Actions

There are three kinds of action in the game. Every action a hero or monster can take during the game will be one of these three action types. The action will state which kind it is in its description.

These types are as follows:

Assist Action
Any action that, if successful, will help the model or its allies, such as healing. Assist actions may only be targeted at friendly models. They will only ever affect friendly models unless otherwise stated.
Offence Action
If an offence action is successful it will inflict a wound upon the target unless otherwise stated. It may also cause other negative effects. Offence actions may only ever be targeted at enemy models. They will only affect enemy models unless otherwise stated.
Neutral Action
Any action that does not have any effect on friendly or enemy models, such as moving or searching for loot.

Basic Actions Vs Unique Actions

Most basic actions are those that can be used by any hero of Crystalia or follower of the Dark Consul, such as simply moving or making a melee attack. However, some of these actions, while common, are not available to all models. This could be because they may not wish to use such actions, or are simply not capable of performing said actions.

Unique actions are, as you might expect, unique abilites that different models can perform during the game, that no other model has access to. These actions are made up of a variety of different attributes that are detailed elsewhere.

In game terms, there's not a lot of difference between basic actions and unique actions, as the same rules govern how each of them is used.

The list of basic and unique actions each model has access to is listed on their stat sheet.


There are three types of dice in SDE-S, which are used in nearly every action the heroes or monsters will take.

In ascending order of power, these are blue , red and green .

The following diagram shows the sides of the dice:

blue dice blue dice blue dice blue dice blue dice blue dice

red dice red dice red dice red dice red dice red dice

green dice green dice green dice green dice green dice green dice

Each side of a dice is either empty, contains one or more stars, or shows a picture of a heart and a potion.

Note that the blue and red dice in the original Super Dungeon Explore are slightly different, in that they show either a heart or a potion, but not both. In SDE-S, when using those dice, imagine the picture shows both the heart and the potion, just like the green dice does.

Types Of Rolls

There are three types of rolls in the game, and these are offence rolls, defence rolls and neutral rolls.

Offence Roll
When one model attempts to negatively affect an enemy model, it will nearly always be called upon to make a roll, which is called an offence roll. For this roll to be successful, the attacking model must roll more than the enemy model rolls during its defence roll.
Defence Roll
When a model is attacked in any way by an enemy model, it will nearly always be called upon to make a roll, which is called a defence roll. If the defence roll is equal to or higher than the offence roll, then the attack will fail and the defending model is not affected at all.
Neutral Roll
Sometimes, models are called upon to make rolls that have nothing to do with any kind of attack. These are all neutral rolls.
Sometimes a model may be called upon to reroll one or more dice. A dice may only be rerolled once. If both friendly and enemy abilities can make a dice be rerolled, then the abilities cancel each other out and the dice may not be rerolled at all. If the player is allowed to reroll multiple dice, but only elects to reroll one or some of them, they can not go back and reroll the others after.


Whenever a hero or monster is called upon to make a roll, take all of the dice that they can use and roll them. Then add up all of the stars that are rolled to see what their score is.

Sometimes, a model may have a set number of stars, either on its own or alongside a number of dice. When there are stars and dice together, roll the dice first then add on the number of stars. If there are no dice listed, the set value on its own is used as the model's score.

Hearts & Potions

The side of the dice that shows the heart and potion can be very useful, but it may only be used by the heroes, and only during an offence roll that is successful.

For each dice that shows this side as part of a successful offence roll, the hero's player may choose one of these things:

Whenever a monster rolls a heart & potion, treat that side like a blank side unless stated otherwise.

Basic Model Attributes

All models in the game have a set of basic attributes displayed on their stat sheets. These basic attributes show such things as the species and crystal affinity of the model, and also their basic combat statistics such as how fast and strong they are.


This shows the name of the model.


This shows the species of the model.


This shows whether the monster is a boss, an elite, or a minion.

Monsters only.


This shows which of the five Goddess Crystals this model has an affinity with. It will show one or two of the five crystal colours.


This attribute shows the number of life points a model has. This is how many wounds the model can take before being incapacitated. For models with multiple life points, keep track of their wounds by using the wound tokens.


This is the maximum number of potions a hero may carry. Heroes start the game on their maximum number of potions. Keep track of how many potions the hero has by using the potion tokens.

Heroes only


This attribute shows how many action points the hero has when it is activated each turn. Action points must be spent for a hero to take actions, and once they are used up the hero may do nothing else that turn.

Heroes only


This is the model's movement allowance, usually written as MA. This attribute shows how many squares the model may move each time it takes a move action.


This is the strength of the model. This is primarily used for hitting enemies in combat. The number of dice and/or stars shown here is what the model will use whenever it is called upon to make a roll with its STR attribute.


This is the armour of the model. This is primarily used for when it is hit in combat. The number of dice and/or stars shown here is what the model will use whenever it is called upon to make a roll with its ARM attribute.


This is the model's willpower, and shows how intelligent and/or determined the model is. This is primarily used for magical or other special abilities. The number of dice and/or stars shown here is what the model will use whenever it is called upon to make a roll with its WILL attribute.


This is the model's dexterity, and shows how skilful and/or agile the model is. This is primarily used for dodging attacks or using precise weapons. The number of dice and/or stars shown here is what the model will use whenever it is called upon to make a roll using its DEX attribute.

Attack Range

This is the effective fighting range of the monster. Whenever a monster takes a move action, it will always try and move towards its target, but will stop once it enters attack range. Some monsters also have a secondary attack range.

Monsters only

Advanced Attributes

This is where any advanced attributes a model has are shown. See the advanced model attributes section for more details.

Basic Actions

This shows which of the basic actions this model has access to.

Unique Actions

In addition to any basic actions, all heroes and some monsters also have a number of other actions only they can perform. As the name suggests, these are all unique actions that can be made up of many different attributes. See the unique actions section for details.

Movement Rules

Movement in SDE-S is quite simple. Normally, a model may move in any direction, and may always freely move through or over friendly models, provided it ends its move in an empty square (or empty squares, for a model with a large base).

A model may never move through walls, structures or enemy models unless they have some special rule that says they can. Take special notice when moving diagonally, as obstacles can still prevent the move even if the target square is empty.


In this example, the hero can not move diagonally to the top right as there is a wall to the top, and it would need to walk through that wall in order to move in that direction. Likewise, it can not move diagonally to the bottom left, as there is a monster to its left. In both cases, it would need to spend two squares of movement to move around the obstacle and reach its destination. It is however clear to move diagonally to the bottom right, as there is nothing blocking it to the right or to the bottom.


This is the same for models with large bases. In this example, a model with a large base wishes to move diagonally to the top left, but it is not allowed, as one of the squares to the top of it is blocked by a wall.

A model with a large base may sometimes end their move in a space occupied by models with small bases, and push those models back into the spaces they vacated. This however may only be performed if certain conditions are true:

  1. All models involved must be friendly to one another.
  2. For monsters, the larger model must be a higher rank than the smaller model, with the ranks being boss (highest rank) through elite to minion (lowest rank).
  3. For hero models, all players involved must agree to this happening.

Note that an incapacitated hero may not be pushed around like this.

push1 push2

Targeting Rules

In order for a model to perform an action on another model, it needs to have line of sight, and for the target model to be within the range of the specific action.
Note that some special actions do not need line of sight, but they are detailed later.

Line Of Sight


A model has line of sight to another model when a straight line can be drawn from any part of the active model's square to any part of the target model's square. The line can not touch another square containing an opposing model, or a structure. Neither can it touch a wall.

In the example, a hero is surrounded by five monsters. The diagram shows which monsters are in the hero's line of sight.

When drawing line of sight to or from a model with a large base, the line may be drawn to or from any of the four squares containing the model.

A model always has line of sight to itself.


Many actions have a range associated with them. This is how far away the active model can be from a target model that it wishes to use an action on.

When a range is specified, count from the active model to the target model by the shortest route possible. If the target model is within the specified distance, and within line of sight, then the action can be taken against that model.

range In this example, the hero has an action with a range of 3, and the player wants to use it on the monster. However, the monster is 4 squares away, so the action can not be used.

Quite often, a range is not specified. For offensive actions, this usually means the action has a range of 1, but for assist actions, this usually meeans the action has a range of 0. But the specifics can be found elsewhere in these rules.

Defeating Models


When a hero takes wounds equal to or above their maximum life points, they become incapacitated.

When a hero is incapacitated, either lie it down on its side in the square it's in, or place a skull token next to it. While the hero is incapacitated, it will not block line of sight, and will not block movement. However, other models still may not end their move in an incapacitated hero's square.

Such a hero does not have access to any actions, so therefore can do nothing at all, until one of its allies uses an ability that heals it, removing enough wounds to bring it back down beneath its maximum life points.

Incapacitated heroes will always be ignored by monsters for the purposes of targeting and attacking. However, heroes like this can still be hit by incidental attacks such as those with an area of effect, so can continue to receive wounds.

If all of the heroes are incapacitated at the same time, then the monsters win.

Monsters & Spawn Points

When a monster takes wounds equal to their maximum life points, then they are destroyed. Remove the model from the dungeon.

Defeated minions are put back into the pool in order to spawn again at a later time. Defeated elites are only put back into the pool if their level's boss has not been defeated yet.

When a boss is defeated, it is never put back into the pool. Also, as described below, don't forget to shuffle any boss-specific treasure cards into the treasure deck when this happens.

When a monster is put back into the pool, put it at the back of the line.

When a spawn point takes wounds equal to its maximum life points, then it is destroyed, and the effect of their support aura is negated. Remove the model from the table, and discard any models in the pool. They no longer have access into Crystalia.

Equipment Cards

As heroes make their way through the dungeon, monsters will drop loot that can be picked up and equipped, making the heroes more powerful and effective in combat. This loot is represented by the equipment cards. The blue equipment cards are called loot cards, and these are more standard items that monsters can leave behind. The red equipment cards are the treasure cards.

If a monster drops loot, flip over the top card of the corresponding deck and place this card next to the tile that the monster was defeated on. This piece of gear can then be equipped by any hero that is standing on that tile by using the equip basic action.

For each minion that is defeated roll a blue dice, if any stars are rolled they drop a card from the loot deck. Elites are stronger than regular minions and use better weapons and armour. This means that when an elite is destroyed, it always drops a card from the loot deck.

Bosses are far stronger than regular monsters and use much better gear. So whenever a boss is destroyed it will always drop a card from the treasure deck. However, after defeating a boss, before drawing a treasure card, shuffle in any boss-specific cards that the boss may have.

Boo Booties are used by the monsters to safeguard powerful items and equipment. They will always drop a card from the treasure deck, in addition to any items they may have gobbled up from the heroes.

Unfortunately for the heroes, spawn points don't drop anything.

Heroes can each carry and employ a maximum of 4 equipment cards, and only one of these may be a treasure card.

This section explains how to use the Super Dungeon Explore loot and treasure cards in games of SDE-S, as some of the rules have been changed or re-worded in this rule set.

Just as in classic Super Dungeon Explore, the cards will either give bonus attributes, new unique actions the hero can take, or both. Bonus attributes are always cumulative on top of the hero's default attributes.

Any actions on the cards will state how many action points they need. This number will be on top of the action point icon . Ignore the colour of the action point icon. It has no meaning in SDE-S.

IMPORTANT: If a card bestows an attribute, or an action contains an attribute, that exists in these rules, such as heal, teleport, backlash etc... then use the version in these rules and ignore the version on the card.

How To Use 2nd Edition Cards

The following table gives a rundown of all of the icons that can be found on the cards and what they mean. When concerning unique actions on the cards, the first icon on the list is the most important one, as it shows what kind of action it is.

If an action on a card has this icon then the action is an assist action. If it does not have this icon then it is an offence action. If it has this icon, consider the action to also have the self attribute, unless it has an arrow with a number (see next icon).

This is sometimes seen alongside the blue flag icon (see previous icon). This gives the action a range as shown by the number. It may be targeted at a friendly model within range and in line of sight.

This action has the melee attribute. If there is a number on the icon then ignore it.

This action has the ranged attribute. If there is a number on the icon it is the range of the action.

The action has the magic attribute. If there is a number on the icon it is the range of the action.

When one or more dice is shown, if not part of an action, the hero adds the specified dice to each roll they make using the specified stat.
If part of an action, the hero adds the specified dice to that stat whenever they use that action.

When there are bonus stars, if not part of an action, the hero adds the specified number to their score each time they roll using that stat.
If part of an action, the hero adds the specified number to their score whenever they use that action.

The hero's movement allowance is increased by the amount specified.

The hero's action points are increased by the amount specified.

The maximum number of potions the hero can carry is increased by the amount specified. Note the hero does not automatically gain a potion when they equip the card, or they could just keep dropping and re-equipping it.

The hero increases their max life points by the amount specified. Note the hero does not automatically heal a wound when they equip the card, or they could just keep dropping and re-equipping it.

If the hero matches the affinity on the card, they gain the better bonus of the two displayed. Otherwise they gain the standard bonus.

This action has the dangerous attribute.

If not part of an action, the hero gains the bane advanced attribute.
If part of an action, if the action is successful, it also causes the bane debuff.

If not part of an action, the hero gains the immune: bane advanced attribute.
If part of an action, if the action is successful, it bestows a buff containing the immune: bane advanced attribute.

If not part of an action, the hero gains the fire advanced attribute.
If part of an action, if the action is successful, it also causes the fire debuff.

If not part of an action, the hero gains the immune: fire advanced attribute.
If part of an action, if the action is successful, it bestows a buff containing the immune: fire advanced attribute.

If not part of an action, the hero gains the hex advanced attribute.
If part of an action, if the action is successful, it also causes the hex debuff.

If not part of an action, the hero gains the immune: hex advanced attribute.
If part of an action, if the action is successful, it bestows a buff containing the immune: hex advanced attribute.

If not part of an action, the hero gains the ice advanced attribute.
If part of an action, if the action is successful, it also causes the ice debuff.

If not part of an action, the hero gains the immune: ice advanced attribute.
If part of an action, if the action is successful, it bestows a buff containing the immune: ice advanced attribute.

If not part of an action, the hero gains the knockdown advaned attribute.
If part of an action, if the action is successful, it also causes the knockdown debuff.

If not part of an action, the hero gains the immune: knockdown advanced attribute.
If part of an action, if the action is successful, it bestows a buff containing the immune: knockdown advanced attribute.

If not part of an action, the hero gains the poison advanced attribute.
If part of an action, if the action is successful, it also causes the poison debuff.

If not part of an action, the hero gains the immune: poison advanced attribute.
If part of an action, if the action is successful, it bestows a buff containing the immune: poison advanced attribute.

If not part of an action, the hero gains the slow advanced attribute.
If part of an action, if the action is successful, it also causes the slow debuff.

If not part of an action, the hero gains the immune: slow advanced attribute.
If part of an action, if the action is successful, it bestows a buff containing the immune: slow advanced attribute.

If not part of an action, the hero gains the immune: all advanced attribute.
If part of an action, if the action is successful, it bestows a buff containing the immune: all advanced attribute.

How To Use 1st Edition Cards

Terrain Types

There are many different types of terrain in the dungeons of Crystalia. In game, these different terrain types are mostly represented by symbols in the squares on the game board. This section explains the different terrain types and what the symbols mean.

Note that terrain is indicated differently depending on whether you are using 1st or 2nd edition tiles.

On 2nd edition tiles, which are the most common, areas of terrain are denoted by a thick dotted line around a square or block of squares, which inside shows one of the symbols from the table below. Most types of terrain are not present on 1st edition tiles, but where they are present, the way they are indicated is written in blue.


Brambles are difficult terrain. In addition, a model which enters a square containing brambles gains the poison debuff.


A champion is a structure. In addition, any models adjacent to a visible champion add +1 to their offence rolls.


Models can not move through chasms unless they have Fly. Line of sight may be drawn through chasms.

On 1st edition tiles, chasms have no squares marked on them, and the artwork on the tile will show some kind of pit or abyss. Where necessary, you must imagine the grid of squares.


A chest is like a structure, in that it can not be moved through. However, line of sight can be drawn through a chest unless both active model and target have the small attribute.

Heroes can only interact with a chest through use of the Pick Lock and Smash Chest basic actions.

If a chest becomes a Boo Booty it is removed and replaced by a Boo Booty model, at which time it becomes just like any other model.

Difficult Terrain

A model must pay two points of movement allowance if it wishes to move into a square containing difficult terrain. If a model only has one movement point left, it may not move into a square of difficult terrain. Large-based models are said to be moving into difficult terrain even if only one of their four squares will enter the terrain.

On 1st edition tiles, difficult terrain is indicated by each square having a thick dotted outline.


A goddess is a structure. In addition, any models that end their activation adjacent to a visible goddess may remove a wound token.


A model which enters a square containing lava gains the fire debuff.

On 1st edition tiles, lava is indicated by each square having a yellow outline.


A sentinel is a structure. In addition, any models adjacent to a visible sentinel add +1 to their defence rolls.

Spawn Point

In terms of being terrain, a spawn point is a structure. However, it has other game effects and can be attacked by the heroes as detailed elsewhere in these rules. When the spawn point is destroyed and the model removed, the spawn point square becomes open terrain, provided no other terrain rules are applicable to that square.


Models can not move through, or draw line of sight through, a structure square.

On 1st edition tiles, structures have no squares marked on them, and the artwork on the tile will show some kind of rock or column.


Models can not move through, or draw line of sight through, any walls.

Walls do not have a symbol, as they are indicated by thick black lines between squares.

Empty Squares & Open Terrain

There are some references in the rest of the rules to things like empty squares and open terrain. This section clears up exactly what these mean.

Open Terrain
A square of open terrain has absolutely no type of terrain in it at all. Whether the square has a model in it or not has no bearing on whether it is classed as open terrain or not.
Empty Square
An empty square is classed as a square a model can currently move into and occupy. An empty square can therefore have terrain in it, but only the types of terrain that do not prevent a model from moving into it. A square is not empty if it has a model or a structure in it, for example.

Advanced Model Attributes


Whenever a model with this attribute successfully uses the Brew Potion basic action, roll a blue dice. If any stars are rolled, they may recover two potions instead of one.


When this model spawns into the dungeon, it immediately gets to attack an adjacent and visible enemy as a free and bonus action.


Whenever a model with this attribute succeeds in a defence roll against any melee offence action, the attacking model suffers a wound.


Whenever a model with this attribute is successful when using any of the three offence basic actions, it will also inflict the Bane debuff on the target in addition to causing a wound.

Beast Hunter

A hero with this attribute may reroll a single dice when making an offence roll against Beast, Bug and Chimera enemies. Monsters instead add +1 to their roll.


On its turn, a model with berserk may make a melee attack basic action that costs no action points.

Blood Scent

A hero with this attribute rolls an extra +1R dice when using a melee offence action if its target is adjacent and is currently suffering any wounds. Monsters instead add +2 to their roll.


When a model with this attribute takes a move action it may move over structures, walls and enemy models (well, technically under them), and is not slowed down or otherwise affected by difficult terrain. It must end its move in an empty square (or squares) as normal.

Dawn Of The Dead

Visible friendly Undead models within 3 squares of this model gain +1 for any melee offence action. This is not cumulative.


This model may choose to use its DEX attribute in any defence roll where it would normally have to use its ARM attribute.
A monster with dodge will always use it if possible.

Dragon Rage

Kobold and Drake models within 3 squares of any friendly model with this attribute gain +1B STR (Heroes) or +1 STR (Monsters). This is not cumulative.

Dragon Spite

A hero with this attribute may reroll a single dice when making an offence roll against Draconic enemies. Monsters instead add +1 to their roll.

Enhanced Defences

When making a defence roll, a model with this attribute counts the heart/potion side of the dice as 1 star.


When a hero with feint makes an offence roll while performing any kind of melee offence action, they may choose to re-roll one of the dice. This must be done before discarding a dice for hex. If a monster with feint performs any melee offence action against a hero, the hero must subtract 1 from their defence roll. This must be done after bane.


Whenever a model with this attribute is successful when using any of the three offence basic actions, it will also inflict the Fire debuff on the target in addition to causing a wound.

Flesh Bane

A hero with this attribute may reroll a single dice when making an offence roll against against Fair Sapient enemies. Monsters instead add +1 to their roll.


When a model with this attribute takes a move action it may move over structures, chasms and enemy models, and is not slowed down or otherwise affected by difficult terrain. It must end its move in an empty square (or squares) as normal. Structures and models do not block line of sight to or from models with fly.

Forced Shift

When this model is destroyed it shapeshifts into an alternate form to continue the fight. If a model with a small base is shapeshifting into a model with a big base, and there's not enough space where the original model was destroyed, then the new model is spawned onto the board as if it came out of the spawn point.


A model with ghost ignores walls for the purposes of line of sight and movement. For models with large bases, movement actions must still end so that the model's base is not directly over the wall.


An enemy model, that is both adjacent and visible to this model, may not benefit in any way from any equipment cards that match the affinity of this model.


While a model is adjacent to, and in line of sight of, an opposing model with grabby, it may not take any kind of physical move actions.


When this model is defeated, it performs the Gross unique action before being removed.


Whenever a model with this attribute uses an action that heals at least one wound on a target ally, roll a blue dice. If any stars are rolled, they heal an extra wound.


Whenever a model with this attribute is successful when using any of the three offence basic actions, it will also inflict the Hex debuff on the target in addition to causing a wound.


A hero with this attribute may reroll a single dice when making an offence roll against Undead, Demon or Nether enemies. Monsters instead add +1 to their roll.


Whenever a model with this attribute is successful when using any of the three offence basic actions, it will also inflict the Ice debuff on the target in addition to causing a wound.


Whenever a model with this attribute is successful when using any of the three offence basic actions, it will also inflict the Immobile debuff on the target in addition to causing a wound.


Written as Immune: Debuff Name(s).
A model with this attribute can never be given any of the debuffs listed, as they are immune to such effects.
Immune: All is, as you would imagine, an immunity to all debuffs. If a model was suffering a debuff and then gains an immunity to it, immediately remove the debuff.


Whenever a model with this attribute is successful when using any of the three offence basic actions, it will also inflict the Knockdown debuff on the target in addition to causing a wound.


Whenever a model with this attribute is allowed to draw a treasure card, it instead draws two cards. One of these is chosen to drop as loot, as normal. The other one is shuffled back into the deck.


When making any melee offence action, a model with mob adds +1B to its offence roll for each other friendly model with mob adjacent to and visible to the target, up to a maximum of +3B.

Nature's Bane

A hero with this attribute may reroll a single dice when making an offence roll against Elemental and Kodama enemies. Monsters instead add +1 to their roll.

Nine Lives

When a model with this attribute is incapacitated, roll 1 red dice. Remove one wound token for each star rolled. If no stars are rolled the model is incapacitated as normal. This ability can not be used again until the heroes have activated the next spawn point.


Friendly visible Drake models within 3 squares gain the Mob attribute.


A model with this attribute rolls an extra +1B dice when using a melee offence action if its target is adjacent and currently has the knockdown debuff.


Whenever a model with this attribute is successful when using any of the three offence basic actions, it will also inflict the Poison debuff on the target in addition to causing a wound.


At the start of its activation, if there are any visible friendly Undead models within 3 squares of this model that are suffering any wounds, those models heal a wound.


Any friendly model visible to and adjacent to any models with Savage gain +1 to any STR offence rolls.


When this model uses the switch basic action to change profiles, it shapeshifts into an entirely different model. If a model with a small base wishes to shapeshift into a model with a big base, there must be adequate space for it to do so.


Whenever a model with this attribute makes a successful defence roll against a melee, ranged, or magic offence action, it may immediately move one free square, provided it is currently allowed to move.


Whenever a model with this attribute is successful when using any of the three offence basic actions, it will also inflict the Slow debuff on the target in addition to causing a wound.


A model with this attribute is very small, and as such this makes them harder to hit. The score of any offence roll directed at a model with this attribute is reduced by 1.
Models with small do not block line of sight at all, unless both the active model and its target also have the small attribute.


A model with this attribute gains +1B ARM for every visible enemy that is adjacent to it, up to a maximum of +3B.

Static Charge

This model gains a point of static charge every time it is wounded, upto a maximum of 3. Each point of static charge gives the model +1B STR and +1B ARM.


Models attacking a target with this attribute must subtract 1 from their offence roll for each square they are away from the target in excess of 3.
For example, attacking a model with stealth from 5 squares away would mean subtracting 2 from the offence roll.
Attacking a model with stealth from 3 squares away or closer incurs no penalties.


A model with surefoot does not need to spend the extra point of movement for moving into a square of difficult terrain.


At the start of a game turn, if any model with this attribute is currently suffering any wounds, it immediately heals one. This only works for a hero if they are not currently incapacitated.

Treasure Map

Whenever a model with a Treasure Map draws a treasure card from a treasure chest or after defeating a Boo Booty, they may draw an extra treasure card.


Add +1B to this model's offence rolls if its target is suffering from poison.


Written as Vulnerable: Debuff Name(s).
Any model directing an offence action at this model gains a +1 to their roll if the action inflicts the debuff listed.

Hero Stat Sheets





Captain R




















Von Wilding



Monster Level

Monsters will receive greater bonuses to their dice rolls as the heroes progress through the levels. The following is a list of these bonuses:

  1. No bonus
  2. +1 dice
  3. +1 dice
  4. +1 dice

Select which level you are on from the list below. The bonuses will automatically be added on to any monster dice rolls.

Monster Stat Sheets


Black Claw Assassin

Blaze Beetle


Bone Head

Boo Booty
Boo Booty

Burning Gel

Citrine Slime

Claw Trainer


Crypt Spider

Curse Coven Witch

Dragon Priest

Drake Hound

Dread Knight

Dust Coven Necromancer

Dust Mage

Ember Hound

Emerald Slime

Fire Gel


Frog Knight


Grobbit Executioner



King Sprout


Miserable Toad




Rabid Squirrel



Ruby Slime

Sapphire Slime

Shamble Priest







