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Old Stuff

Prior to September 2019, when this site became one big blog, the information in these <Old Stuff> entries used to be on their own pages. They have been resurrected as their own entries on this site, but otherwise contain all the same information and pictures that they used to.

15th January 2024: Website Evolution Part 2

Here's part two of the story of this site's evolution. Just like part 1, this is long and pointless, so is hidden by default. Just click the button if you want to read it, for some weird reason.

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3rd December 2023: Website Evolution Part 1

In years gone by, there used to be a small little section of this site showing simple images of how this place used to look in the past. As there's been no returning <Old Stuff> entries all year, I thought this would be an easy one to bring back.

Unlike other old stuff entries, this one has been expanded with extra information and images. As it has become a lot bigger than it used to be, I am therefore splitting it up into two parts, and hiding it by default.

Part two will be along at some point, but for now, if you want to see what this site looked like in the very early days, click below to find out.

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11th October 2022: Old Warhammer Stuff

It's about time some stuff from my old website returned from the pits of obscurity.

And what could be more obscure than my first ever battle report, using a long forgotten homebrew ruleset, with miniatures from my first ever Games Workshop purchase all the way back in the early 90s?

Warhammer Fantasy Regiments

Warhammer Fantasy Regiments

Now I can not lie. I never actually played Warhammer. Well, that is, other than one demo game in a Games Workshop after the release of fourth edition, during which Scooby's goblins beat my high elves, drawing gasps of shock from the red shirts, as goblins never won the demo game.
Yep, that's my wargaming skill in action right there.

Still, in my very early wargaming years it seemed like I was going to get more into fantasy than sci-fi, something that I assume changed when I fell in love with the look of Epic Space Marine.

In the early 90s, I collected quite a few fantasy models. Indeed, the first GW purchase I ever made was the "Warhammer Fantasy Regiments" box, which had ten each of wood elves, dwarves, goblins, orcs, skaven and dark elves. I think what I wanted to do, even as a young teenager, was create my own rules. But other than a few little attempts nothing much came of them, especially as other games took hold of me.

Of these attempts, records of just one remained, and from these historical documents, I created a battle report for my old site back in January 2015. That report is now resurrected here.

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I've no idea why, but the other day I thought back to the few games of Warhammer Quest that I played with Scoob back in 2014, and realised the images of the miniatures I painted for it were not here yet.

To be honest, they need stripping and re-painting, as you can see how rough the spray undercoat went down.

Ashe the elf

Ashe the elf

Leona the knight

Leona the knight

Braum the ogre

Braum the ogre

Zyra the shaman

Zyra the shaman

Zilean the wizard

Zilean the wizard

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