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20th September 2012: Seeing Off My Nemesis

Hot on the heels (well, not that hot) of completing Resident Evil 2 I can happily say number 3 has now also joined the completed list. Finally got my arse in gear for a second attempt after getting very close to the end back in May sometime. It's a much harder game than its predecessors, which made it more interesting. But I thought it was a bit lazy of them not to include a second character choice, and also to stick you with the Nemesis as the big bad in nearly every boss fight.

I highly doubt this is proper law enforcement attire

I highly doubt this is proper law enforcement attire

Why are Russians always the bad guys?

Why are Russians always the bad guys?

The Nemesis busts a move

The Nemesis busts a move

Also very strange how the very last boss fight of the game is far and away the easiest. Very strange. Still, I don't care. It's done. Yay.

7th August 2012: Actually, It Is Over Leon

Resi 2 all done, and my maps done as far as I'm gonna do them. There are a few things that I haven't fully discovered, but I'm not gonna play the game through a bunch of other times just to figure out one or two things that don't really matter.

NOTE: The maps definitely aren't final yet. You are welcome to send me corrections to the maps if I've made errors, and I will fix them. The things I do not know 100% are:

City Area, Both Characters, Both Scenarios

City Area, Both Characters, Both Scenarios

RPD 1st Floor, Both Characters, Scenario A

RPD 1st Floor, Both Characters, Scenario A

RPD 2nd Floor, Claire, Scenario A

RPD 2nd Floor, Claire, Scenario A

RPD 2nd Floor, Leon, Scenario A

RPD 2nd Floor, Leon, Scenario A

RPD 3rd Floor & 4th Floor, Both Characters, Both Scenarios

RPD 3rd Floor & 4th Floor, Both Characters, Both Scenarios

RPD Basement, Both Characters, Scenario A

RPD Basement, Both Characters, Scenario A

Sewage Disposal & Sewers B1, Both Characters, Scenario A

Sewage Disposal & Sewers B1, Both Characters, Scenario A

Sewers B2, Both Characters, Both Scenarios

Sewers B2, Both Characters, Both Scenarios

Vacant Factory, Both Characters, Both Scenarios

Vacant Factory, Both Characters, Both Scenarios

Laboratory B4, Both Characters, Scenario A

Laboratory B4, Both Characters, Scenario A

Laboratory B5, Both Characters, Scenario A

Laboratory B5, Both Characters, Scenario A

RPD 2nd Floor, Claire, Scenario B

RPD 2nd Floor, Claire, Scenario B

RPD 2nd Floor, Leon, Scenario B

RPD 2nd Floor, Leon, Scenario B

RPD 1st Floor, Both Characters, Scenario B

RPD 1st Floor, Both Characters, Scenario B

RPD Basement, Both Characters, Scenario B

RPD Basement, Both Characters, Scenario B

Sewage Disposal & Sewers B1, Both Characters, Scenario B

Sewage Disposal & Sewers B1, Both Characters, Scenario B

Laboratory B1, B2 & B3, Both Characters, Scenario B

Laboratory B1, B2 & B3, Both Characters, Scenario B

Laboratory B4, Both Characters, Scenario B

Laboratory B4, Both Characters, Scenario B

Laboratory B5, Both Characters, Scenario B

Laboratory B5, Both Characters, Scenario B

Platform, Both Characters, Both Scenarios

Platform, Both Characters, Both Scenarios

15th May 2012: Resident Evil Update

Even though I'm not fully done with Resident Evil 2 yet, I've already bought Resident Evil 3 and have got stuck into that. This time however, I decided to buy it on the PC, thinking that using a keyboard would make movement much easier than the awkward d-pad on the Playstation controllers. This has turned out to be true, though unfortunately it has also made the fighting parts more difficult, especially as RE3 is more fast paced than the first two. So I've downloaded some nifty bit of software so I can use the PS3 controller on my laptop for the next time I play it, and hopefully that will be a bit better. Bloody Nemesis. Unlike the first 2 though, I have no current plans to make mega maps for this one. I'm just playing it to get it done.

16th April 2012: Tales Of An Island's Evil Resident Monkey

A couple weeks back I had the plan of going through (and mapping) an old Amiga game called Obitus that I used to play as a kid, but never really got very far. However, I couldn't get it to work on the emulator, so instead plumped for doing the same thing with Resident Evil 2.

Resident Evil 2 was another one of those games that I'd played many years ago and never finished. Bit of a shame, as me and a few friends had played this while on holiday in Cornwall over a decade ago. It was a lot of fun to get in at night after whatever grooviness we'd been doing that day and sit in the dark trying to fight our way through the zombie hordes. I can't fully remember, but I think we played as Leon and got all the way through to the end, but could not defeat Birkin's bull-like form as we had completely run out of ammo. It wasn't until much later I learned there is a Scenario A and B for each character, so we never did get as close to the end as we had thought. Oh well.

And so for the last week or so I have been busy studying and playing the game and have started to produce maps to match those I did for the original Resident Evil last year. This game is much more confusing as I'm trying to map both scenarios for both characters, combining them onto one map wherever possible.

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