17th December 2024: Steve Meets Eve
After first playing through FF7 Rebirth earlier this year, I had intended to go back to it and complete a lot of the side content I originally missed.
This didn't happen, however, and my PS5 was stuffed back into its box and vanished into the loft for the next several months.
Just recently, I finally purchased another game for this system, allowing it to return from its exile.
Several years ago, I saw the short release trailer to this game, and it immediately got me interested. Back then, the game was still using its original, and far superior, name of Project Eve.
It took way, way too long for this thing to come out. I mean, why bother announcing games that are still several years away from release? It took so long that they even removed its original PS4 compatibility.
Oh well, I digress.
After all the wait, including letting a few months pass so the damn thing wouldn't be so expensive, I finally got to play it.
So these are the chronicles of my adventures through the wastelands, as I tackled Stellar Blade.
Firstly, I needed a console update to even play the game. But then, after updating, it wouldn't even let me use my controller if I didn't update its software as well.
Seriously, the controller software needs updating? What the hell is going on with consoles these days if that shit needs to happen? And what kind of software could possibly be in a controller anyway? I mean, you press a button, and the controller sends the signal to the console. It's not hard. Figure your shit out Sony, for fuck's sake.
Anyway, I was finally into the actual game, which is a third person action game, much like many others, I guess. In it, you play as Eve, a soldier who was a part of the latest expedition to retake Earth from hostile creatures. While on the planet, Eve gains allies, and does quests for, a bunch of people in the last human city, Xion. There's also a couple of large, open zones, with a myriad of secrets and collectibles to find.
Sound familiar? Because it is. There's no doubt that this game is massively influenced by Nier Automata, that I played last year.
Like that other game, this one puts a stunningly beautiful and very competent female warrior front and centre. And there's no doubt about it, her inclusion is one of the reasons why I wanted to play this. Having a bunch of weirdos hate on the game because of her also gave me fuel.
So how does our leading lady measure up in the character department?
Now, there's a big problem with this game in my opinion, and unfortunately Eve is part of it. Yes, she is gorgeous and kicks total ass, and it's a pleasure to follow her around while she does her thing. But just like all of the other characters in the game, and indeed, the entire story itself, she's just so bland. And as a fan of games that have great stories and characters, this was a massive let down.
In fact, when the barber first sees her, he looks her up and down and calls her dull. Now, at the time, he's commenting purely on the way she looks, and is therefore an idiot.
But the truth is, as a character, she is dull. Dull as fuck in fact. The entire cast is the same way. They have little in the way of personality, and while the sound of the voice actors suits their characters, their lines are delivered with such boredom and disinterest that the characters suffer even more because of it.
At times, Eve can even come off as quite rude to some of the other people in the city, whereas most of the time she's quite sweet and good-natured. It's just weird how she goes off on some people, especially if they comment on how good she looks. I mean, she wears all those crazy outfits, but doesn't think people will notice?
What's even worse is, she's seemingly as dumb as a used, soggy tea bag. How the hell does she not know what a guitar is? Or a piano? Or even a drink can? But somehow she knows what a matryoshka doll is? So strange.
She simply doesn't even enter the conversation when it comes to great female characters, like Tifa from FF7, or indeed 2B from Nier. And it's such a shame, because if the personality matched her looks, she could easily be up there with my other favourites.
While the game has plenty of exploration and sometimes frustrating platforming, the main meat and potatoes here is the combat. However, it's not the kind of combat you would normally think a game like this would have.
It's not the silly button-mashing mayhem of a hack'n'slash, or even the fast-paced counter attack style of something like the Arkham games. Rather, it's very tactical and precise, much like some of the boss fights in the FF7 remake games, but just for the entire game.
Most people would say this combat style is very much like Dark Souls, but as I have not played any of those games yet, I can't really comment. In fact, the only game I've played that I think could be described as even slightly Souls-like would be Jedi: Fallen Order, and there are definitely some similarities to that game here.
I can't really say that it's one of my favourite combat styles, by any means. And if anything, it's made even more frustrating because of the weird timing required for the parrying.
While I got more used to it as time went on, it felt almost like there's an input delay of sorts. At first, I could rarely get commands to register. I pressed block and she would just stand there and get smacked in the face.
It's like they made the game more challenging, not by making the enemies hard to beat, but by making the controls feel very sluggish. You almost have to anticipate everything rather than react with split second timing. I kept having these silly moments where I was spamming block, certain that an attack was about to come in, but it didn't.
And then there's the animation locks, which I've struggled with in other games. Why won't she dodge when I tell her? Oh, she's not finished swinging her sword around yet. Silly me.

Can't drop to that ledge without dying, but I can drop and hang off those branches which are further down? Ok, game.
My other issue with combat was the controls. As block/parry is on L1, I was absolutely miffed that the game does not come with rebindable buttons. That's such an odd choice.
I wanted block/parry on R1 to maintain parity with FF7 Rebirth, so I had to use the PS5's settings to swap L1 and R1. Though on a few of the very rare QTEs, this came with its own issues, as I had to remember the button prompts were the other way around. And navigating the menus sometimes made me feel like I was drunk.
There's also a weird thing that happens in regard to the power of the enemies. For example, the first Alpha Naytiba you fight is called Gigas. But then later on you fight another Gigas, only this time it's not an Alpha, but is twice as hard. What the hell was that all about?
This second Gigas fight was when I actually dropped the difficulty from normal to easy, as my old brain was having trouble and I was sick of trying. Typically, I did then go and beat it pretty quickly in the boss challenge mode on normal. Then I pressed the wrong button to exit and ended up fighting it again, managing another win. This little boost in confidence did not make me reconsider the drop in difficulty, though.
After all, I was not here for a challenge. With the story and characters not really gripping me, I was here purely for the ass kicking and the jiggly bits. Getting through the main game on easy, for speed purposes, then tackling the bosses on normal, to unlock the extra outfit, was my plan. However, this too changed, when I learned that multiple playthroughs would be needed to unlock all of the bosses in the challenge mode.
And I wasn't going to do that, even for a cool looking outfit.
Still, while elements of the combat frustrated me, it's kind-of odd to admit, but I also quite liked it in many ways. As some comments on the internet stated, it was probably too easy on easy mode, and while I may have eventually managed to trudge through it on normal, it would have taken a lot longer. It's a shame then, that there's not another difficulty between easy and normal, which would have probably been just about right for me.
Like the other Soulsy-kind of games, enemies respawn when you rest, and there are shortcuts you can open up while exploring, to make it easier to get back to places you've already been. Thing is in this game, most of these shortcuts are simple, thin metal gates that are locked from the other side. And you're telling me that this highly skilled and cybernetically enhanced warrior that can slice monsters and robots to ribbons can't just use her sword to cut through this old rusted metal? This definitely seemed odd.
In fact, there were several times where I thought the level design was a mess, mostly in the linear zones. For some reason, they don't give you a map during these areas, and finding anything without one is a chore. Gladly, the open zones do have maps, though there's no minimap for some bizarre reason. This would have been nice, so I wouldn't have to keep going into the menu to see where I'm going next.
Early on in my run, I was leaping back and forth between this game and Mad Max. I even stepped back from this game for a while to try and get that other one done. During that time, photo mode dropped, which may have been an influencing factor in my decision to dump that game and get back to this.
Absolutely love me a good photo mode.
I had read some comments that this new mode was only for selfies, but gladly that turned out to be false. And while it's not a patch on the amazing photo mode from Horizon, I think I managed to get some decent action shots.
The main problem is that the depth of field settings don't seem to work properly, but it's also that the menu doesn't remember your last used settings. T'was such a chore to keep changing everything again for every picture.
So after many hours, I finally came to the end. The late game story made me do little other than roll my eyes. There was no great reason why the big reveal couldn't have happened much earlier in the game, and there were characters that could have done way more good for the world if only they'd communicated about what they knew. It was so silly.
Despite its flaws, it's definitely a game I'm happy to have played, and I quite looked forward to booting it up every time.
I also think I did pretty much everything I wanted to do for a first playthrough, completing every side mission I found, collecting all the cans, and collecting almost all of the available outfits.
So if it's the case that this ends up being my only playthrough, at least I won't feel like I have unfinished business.